About us

We are Czech company with 25year-old tradition.

Our company is based in the Wallachian region, where wood has always played a very important role. It is the essential element for building and crafting, which has a long tradition in this region and has been passed down from generation to generation. It is the heritage of our ancestors that originated in the Walfer company. In every one of our timber houses, there is the Wallachian tradition and experience.

You can find our products not only in the Czech Republic, but also in other states and continents. Most of our customers are from Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Slovakia, New Zealand or Australia.

Our timber houses offer the healthy and modern living you have always dreamt of.  Our houses will make you feel comfortable and ecological at the same time. They will keep you warm in winter and cold in summer with the minimum electricity consumption.

Our aim is to build houses, where everyone feels comfortable.

The values of Walfer company:

  • SUSTAINABILITY – wood is the only 100% renewable material
  • EXPENSES – our timber houses have very low operating expenses
  • QUALITY – our main aim is to make the finest living.

Let Walfer build your new home!


  • 25 Years of experience
  • 6000+ More than 6000 constructions
  • 10+ We have constructions in more than 10 states

Are you interested in our services? Let us know and we can arrange a meeting!

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